Showing posts with label holocaust. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holocaust. Show all posts

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Yellow Star

Yellow Star  By Jennifer Roy

***** 5/5 stars  Nonfiction
This is a story about a Jewish girl, Syvia, during WWII. She lives in a ghetto in Lodz, Poland. Living in horrible conditions, Syvia, struggles throughout the war in the ghetto, waiting to be rescued and for the war to end. I normally don't like nonfiction, but this book was very intriguing and interesting. It was told in a sort of haunting way, so I couldn't put it down.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas   By John Boyne  
**** 3/5 Historical Fiction
This book is very sad but otherwise very good.  It takes place in World War 2. Because of his dad's work a boy called Bruno moves to a place that he calls Out-With. Bruno likes to explore and one day he comes across a boy in striped pajamas but a fence separates them. If you don't like sad stories I don't think you will like this book. It is interesting because it is sad though.