Sunday, January 12, 2014


Sold by Patricia McCormick

           Lakshmi lives in a small poor town in Nepal. She witnesses her step-father gamble away what little money they have and disrespect her mother. One day, she asks her mother “Why must women suffer so?” Her mother replies, “This has always been our fate. Simply to endure is to triumph.” When she is offered a job from a stranger to work in India to earn money and, being the obedient, innocent, and naïve girl she is, she immediately says yes, and then realizes the terrible truth. She has been sold to a cruel woman named Mumtaz and into sex slavery. Time after time Lakshmi is beaten down, but she gets up again and again. When Lakshmi is in India she is still obedient, but she doesn’t openly act out and endures until she triumphs. At the end of the book, she is no longer the scared naïve girl from the beginning. She is strong and resilient.

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