Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Punch with Judy

Punch with Judy   By Avi
**** 4/5 stars  Historical Fiction
I don't normally like historical fiction but this book was very good.  A man called Joe McSneed finds a boy dancing on a street corner for money and several men are laughing. Mr.McSneed owns a performing troop and he wants the boy to be on it. The boy accepts and Mr.McSneed names him Punch. Later Mr.McSneed dies and leaves his daughter Judy in charge. The troop learns that the police is after them and they flee to Yorktown so they won't be caught. I stayed up until midnight to finish this book it was so interesting.

1 comment:

  1. I want to read this book - it sounds interesting. Isn't Punch and Judy the name of some puppets?
