Saturday, November 26, 2011

If I Stay

If I Stay  By Gayle Froman

*****5/5 stars  Fiction
A simple car ride can change everything. In less than a second, Mia's life is changed forever. When a truck hits her family's car, Mia's mom and dad are killed. Her brother and Mia survive, but barely. As they are rushed to the hospital, Mia is faced with a decision. Should she choose to live or die?

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Theodosia and the Serpents of Chaos

Theodosia and the Serpents of Chaos  By R.L. La Fevers

***** 5/5 stars  Fantasy
Being the only one to sense the curses on some objects can cause you to be very busy. That is the situation Theodosia is in. Surrounded by cursed antiquities from her dad's museum, Theo has the privilege of de-cursing all the objects. When Theodosia's mom returns from Egypt with an amulet, the Heart of Egypt, Theodosia realizes that the amulet is under a curse so horrible that it will cause chaos to erupt onto the streets of London. To prevent mayhem, Theo will have to return the Heart of Egypt to its tomb in Egypt.