Saturday, August 13, 2011

Animal Farm

Animal Farm  By George Orwell
**** 4/5 stars  Fantasy
Living on a farm in England,  the animals of Manor Farm have had enough of men. They have worked so hard and they hardly receive enough food. On the path to fairness, the animals overthrow the farmer and work to establish a farm of equality and justice. What made this book interesting was how the farm resembled a communist country. The rulers of the farm, the pigs, clearly state that no animal will sleep in a bed. Later, the pigs end up sleeping in the farmhouse's beds. They also say that no animal should drink alcohol. Eventually, the pigs drink many crates of alcohol. I just wrote a report on North Korea and I thought it was interesting how similar the farm was to North Korea.  North Korea's leader is greatly respected and the government tells the people lies. The pigs,too, had to be treated with utmost respect by the animals and the pigs fed the other animals lies. The only reason I gave this book 4 stars was the fact that its ending was unsatisfactory.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Yellow Star

Yellow Star  By Jennifer Roy

***** 5/5 stars  Nonfiction
This is a story about a Jewish girl, Syvia, during WWII. She lives in a ghetto in Lodz, Poland. Living in horrible conditions, Syvia, struggles throughout the war in the ghetto, waiting to be rescued and for the war to end. I normally don't like nonfiction, but this book was very intriguing and interesting. It was told in a sort of haunting way, so I couldn't put it down.